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Practicum of Translating and Interpreting
Submitted by admin on Tue, 2024-04-02 08:51
Practicum of Translating and Interpreting is a course taken by the sixth semester students who are taking the course package of Translation. Students are freed to choose the place to do their practicum. In 2024, students do the practicum in private translation agency (Master Translate Jogja), a publisher (Civita), and some units or offices in UNY (Yogyakarta State University) such as International Office, Quality Assurance Directorate, Library, Public Relation and Collaboration Office.
Here is one of student progress report:
During my practicum as a translator and interpreter at the International Office of UNY, I have been involved in numerous tasks. After my first meeting and orientation with the coordinator and supervisor of International Office UNY, I got the first task to translate names of the study programs at UNY. Doing this task, I was equipped with the Decision of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology regarding Names of Study Programs in types of Academic and Professional Education as our reference to make sure the names of the programs are equivalent and relevant. My next task was to write a response letter to Universiti Teknologi Mara Malaysia regarding their visit to UNY. A week later, all the practicum students at the International Office were assigned to accompany the guests from Universiti Teknologi Mara Malaysia. This activity included welcoming them at FBSB UNY, accompanying them to do sharing sessions and do Membatik and Keramik workshop at the Department of Visual Art Education, FBSB UNY, and campus tour where we provided information and assistance.
Furthermore, I acted as an interpreter and liaison officer during the campus visit from Princeton University. In addition to these responsibilities, I was entrusted with the task of creating comprehensive meeting minutes for sessions held with both Universiti Teknologi Mara and Princeton University.
Last but not least, I am also responsible for making a report and two news scripts in both Bahasa Indonesia and English. The scripts were made to be published in the official website of International Office UNY and to be made as video report script for the upcoming tasks.
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