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Submitted by pbiuny on Tue, 2021-05-04 23:34I. D4 AND S1 STUDY PROGRAMS
A. National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN)
- Selection of potential students from each school throughout Indonesia who have high academic abilities.
- Coordinated by the Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT).
- The schedule and selection process follow national regulations.
- More information can be seen at
B. Joint Entrance Test for State Universities (SBMPTN)
- Selection of potential students based on the results of the Computer-Based Examination (UTBK) held by LTPMT.
- Coordinated by the Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT).
- The Computer-Based Examination includes a Scholastic Aptitude Test (TPS) and an Academic Competency Test (TKA).
- Each participant is only allowed to take the test once.
- The schedule and selection process follow national regulations.
- More information can be seen at
C. Independent Selection (SM)
1. Academic-Based Independent Selection (Non-Test Selection Based on Report Card)
- Selection of new S1 and / or D4 student candidates based on report cards.
- Applicants are SMA / MA / SMK graduates of 2018, 2019, or 2020.
- The report card scores must be entered to fill out the registration form via
- Applicants may choose 1 (one) S1 / D4 study program.
- Applicants for sports or arts study program must upload a portfolio according to the chosen study program.
- A registration fee of IDR 200,000 can be paid via Bank Mandiri, Bank BNI, or Bank BTN.
- Registration and payment procedures can be found at
2. Achievement-Based Independent Selection (Non-Test Selection Based on Achievement)
- Selection of new D4 and S1 student candidates based on report card and certificates of achievement (minimum at the regency/city level). Qur'an memorization can be proven by a hafidh certificate.
- Applicants are SMA / MA / SMK graduates of 2018, 2019, or 2020.
- Proof of academic achievement must be uploaded at
- Applicants may choose 1 (one) D4 / S1 study program.
- A registration fee of IDR 200,000 can be paid via Bank Mandiri, Bank BNI, Bank BTN.
- Registration and payment procedures can be found at
3. UTBK Score Based Independent Selection
- Selection of new S1 student candidates based on the 2020 SBMPTN UTBK results.
- Applicants are SMA / MA / SMK graduates of 2018, 2019, or 2020 who took part in the 2020 UTBK SBMPTN.
- Applicants for sports or arts study program must choose the same study program as the one registered when taking the UTBK SBMPTN.
- Applicants may choose a maximum of 2 (two) S1 study programs.
- A registration fee of IDR 200,000 can be paid via Bank Mandiri, Bank BNI, Bank BTN.
- Registration and payment procedures can be found at
4. Computer Based Test Independent Selection
- Selection of new S1 / D4 student candidates based on academic test results.
- Applicants are SMA / MA / SMK / Paket C graduates of 2018, 2019, or 2020.
- Applicants may choose a maximum of 2 (two) S1 and / or D4 study programs for group of SAINTEK or SOSHUM.
- Applicants for sports or arts study program must upload a portfolio according to their respective study program.
- Registration fee is paid via Bank Mandiri.
- Registration and payment procedures can be found at
- Taking the Computer Based Test of Scholastic Aptitude Test (TPS) according to the schedule.
5. Talent Scouting Independent Selection
- Selection of new undergraduate student candidates based on report cards and Non-Academic Achievements.
- Applicants must have Non Academic Achievements, rank 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, minimum at regency/city level in sports competitions or championships, Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran, field of reasoning, field of arts and field of special interest (proven by certificates and validated by a credible institution), with the following conditions:
- The certificate must contain the applicant’s name;
- The number of certificates that can be used for the application is 5 certificates/category;
- Applicants must have a letter of recommendation from National Sports Committee of Indonesia minimum at city level for achievements in sports; and
- After admission, they must join clubs of their respective achievements.
- Applicants are SMA / MA / SMK graduates of 2018, 2019, or 2020.
- Proof of academic achievement must be uploaded at
- Applicants may choose 1 (one) S1 study program.
- A registration fee of IDR 200,000 is paid via Bank Mandiri, Bank BNI, Bank BTN.
- Registration and payment procedures can be found at
- Each applicant will have a Verification/Interview Test
A. General Requirements
- Applicants for Master program (S2) must have a Bachelor’s degree (S1) with a minimum GPA of 3.00
- Applicants for Doctoral program (S3) must have a Master’s degree (S2) with a minimum GPA of 3.00
- Applicants must obtain permission from their bosses (for those who are already working);
- Applicants must be recommended by 2 (two) supervisors;
- Higher education graduates with minimum study program accreditation B.
- Registration and payment procedures can be found at
- The registration fee is IDR 450,000.00 for Master program or IDR 700,000.00 for Doctoral program, the payment can be made via Bank Mandiri.
- Applicants must complete the registration form at
- After admission, it is not allowed to change study program.
- Applicants may begin their study in academic year of 2020 or 2021.
- Lectures are held in Bahasa Indonesia.
- After admission, it is not allowed to change study program
- Registration and payment procedures can be found at
14. Applicants for the Doctoral Program by Research or Mix must have a minimum TOEFL of 500, reputable international publications, and have been previously researching the field of their topics of dissertations.
B. Portfolio-Based Independent Selection for Graduate Program
1. Portfolio-Based Independent Selection for Graduate Program by Coursework
- Open for prospective Master (S2) and Doctoral (S3) students from within and outside the country.
- Applicants complete and upload portfolio documents (such as TOEFL / ITP scores, Academic Potential Test scores, academic works, achievement certificates or other relevant certificates, and a dissertation plan (the template that can be downloaded from
2. Portfolio-Based Independent Selection for Graduate Program by Research
- Open for prospective doctoral (S3) students from within and outside the country.
- Applicants must have a complete dissertation proposal ready to be presented or tested during the selection process.
- Applicants complete and upload portfolio documents (such as TOEFL / ITP scores, Academic Potential Test scores, have reputable international publications, have been previously researching the field of their topics of dissertations, academic works, achievement certificates or other relevant certificates, and a dissertation proposal (the template can be downloaded from
- After passing the initial stage of selection, the dissertation proposal exam will be held.
- Students of this program do not attend regular lectures.
3. Portfolio-Based Independent Selection for Graduate Program by Mix
- Open for prospective doctoral students from within and outside the country.
- Applicants must have a complete dissertation proposal ready to be presented or tested during the selection process.
- Applicants complete and upload portfolio documents (such as TOEFL / ITP scores, Academic Potential Test scores, have been previously researching the field of their topics of dissertations, academic work, certificate of achievement or other relevant certificates, and a dissertation proposal (the template can be downloaded from
- After passing the initial stage of selection, the dissertation proposal exam will be held.
- If accepted, students must take 12-15 credits of courses and a dissertation.
C. CBT-Based Independent Selection for Graduate Program
1. CBT-Based Independent Selection for Graduate Program by Coursework
- Open for prospective Master (S2) and doctoral (S3) students from within and outside the country.
- Participants take the Computer Based Test (CBT) with the material of Academic Potential Tests and English Language Proficiency.
- Applicants for Doctoral program upload a dissertation plan (the template that can be downloaded from
- Applicants for Doctoral program will have an interview exam after UTBK in their respective study programs.
2. CBT-Based Independent Selection for Graduate Program by Research
- Open for for prospective doctoral students from within and outside the country.
- Applicants must have a complete dissertation proposal ready to be presented or tested during the selection process. The dissertation proposal template can be downloaded from (
- Applicants must have reputable international publications and have been previously researching the field of their topics of dissertations.
- Have good English skills.
- Students of this program do not attend regular lectures.
3. CBT-Based Independent Selection for Graduate Program by Mix
- Open for prospective doctoral students from within and outside the country.
- Applicants must have a complete dissertation proposal ready to be presented or tested during the selection process. The dissertation proposal template can be downloaded from (
- Applicants have been previously researching the field of their topics of dissertations.
- Have good English skills.
- If accepted, students must take 12-15 credits of courses and a dissertation.
D. Cooperation Independent Selection for Graduate Program
- Organized in collaboration between UNY and government / private agencies.
- Quota is regulated separately.
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