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Quality Assurance
Submitted by pbiuny on Wed, 2021-06-09 17:28Quality Assurance of Bachelor of English Language Education
Internal Quality Assurance system (IQAS) and External Quality Assurance System (EQAS) are applied to all study programs in UNY, including Bachelor of Education-English Language Education (BE-ELE). The implementation of IQAS is based on the Regulation of the Research and Technology and Higher Education Ministry No. 62/ 2016 (SPM DIKTI) concerning higher education quality assurance system, the UNY Rector Regulation Number 41/2019, regarding the quality standards of UNY, and UNY Strategic Planning which is based on UNY Rector Regulation No. 25/2017. While EQAS is implemented by a government-sanction body, the Indonesian National Accreditation Body of Higher Education. The EQAS is based on Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 Year 2012 about Higher Education.
In UNY, the IQAS is implemented in study programs and monitored by a Quality Assurance Centre. UNY sets QA standards, documents, manuals and SOPs which are produced by referring to Rector Regulation number 41/2019. Further, six quality standards are established for the teaching and learning process in UNY, namely the standards of (1) education, (2) research, (3) community service, (4) students and alumni, (5) partnerships, (6) human resources management. In addition, the IQAS operates according to 5 stages of PPEPP cycle (also known as PDCA), namely: determination (Penetapan/P), implementation (Pelaksanaan/P), evaluation (Evaluasi/E), controls (Pengendalian/P) and improvements (Peningkatan/P).
To get the perception of the stakeholders, UNY provides survey that is easily accessible on According to stakeholders, BE-ELE has provided excellent language knowledge and skills and professional competencies to enter and compete in the world of work. The study program also has equipped the graduates with job-related competencies and useful soft skills. Interpersonal communication skills, managerial skills, leadership, to work as a team, to work under pressure, initiative and innovation, problem solving, loyalty and commitment and creativity are the soft skills possessed by graduates when they finish their study.
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