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Jl. Colombo No. 1 Yogyakarta 55281
Telp. (0274) 550843, 546719, Fax (0274) 548207
FBS-Karangmalang On Thursday (30/4/2015), the Department of English Education FBS held a workshop entitled Learner and Teacher Autonomy. Located in the Seminar Room of Lecture 1 FBS Building, this workshop was attended by Jennifer Uhler, who currently serves as RELO (Regional English Language Officer) Jakarta. Also attending were Head of the PBI Department, Drs. Samsul Ma'arif, M.A, PBI lecturers, as well as a number of SM3T students for the 2014 period. The atmosphere of discussion and questions and answers about student and teacher autonomy colored this workshop. Some of them also shared their bittersweet experiences while teaching in remote areas such as Borneo and Flores
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