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Submitted by pbiuny on Fri, 2020-11-20 20:24Indonesia government, through PERMENRISTEKDIKTI No. 44/2015, obligated students to conduct a research and report it in the form of thesis (for bachelor and magister students) and dissertation (for doctoral students) as a final assessment. To obtain the goal, UNY provides facilities and support to help the students in conducting research. Physical facilities provided for research development are micro teaching laboratories, computer laboratory, and independent study room. Furthermore, online and offline consultation on students’ research or scientific writing development are the realization of university’s support. The regulation and implementation of online consultation can be read in Sistem Bimbingan Tugas Akhir (SIBIMTA). Lecturers can monitor students’ development online through response or note section in SIBIMTA. Other than that, offline consultation is often conducted with an arrangement agreed by both the lecturer and student.
The study programs encourage the lecturers to provide special consultation hours for the students. Furthermore, appointments for consultation can be made via emails, WhatsApp, phone calls, or other media depending on the lecturers’ most convenient mode of communication. The study program provide lecturers’ phone numbers and emails. The students can also consult their supervisors beyond academic matters. Special consultation offers are not officially offered. However, students can always make an appointment with the lecturers regarding their needs to consult matters, for example when students need to consult their theses and dissertations outside the consultation hours. A Consultation book is available for offline consultation to monitor students’ progress.
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