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FBS-Karangmalang Department of English Language Education of UIN Cirebon conducted a comparative survey to the Department of English Language Education of UNY (24/5). This comparative study was harnessed by both campuses to share knowledge and experience.

"We take this opportunity to share about the organization, academic activities, facilities, and infrastructure," explained Niko Saputra, Chief of English Department Student Association of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Cirebon. Three hundred students with green alma mater were divided into discussion forums per study topic together with EDSA UNY.

Niko expressed his impression during the activity. To him, this study provides many refreshing ideas about organizational management and the optimal utilization of facilities for academic activities. "Cooperation and support from the department and students in every activity turned out to be very beneficial", he concluded. He continued, "What we learned is that the department must be responsible for supervising student activities and involving students in every activity." From the side of EDSA UNY, activities in the field of community service that has been held by EDSA UIN Syarif Hidayatullah have become an inspiration for work programs in the organization. (Feb)