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FBS Karangmalang FBS should be proud because Kampus Ungu students are not only good at academics but also in non-academic fields. As well recognized, FBS students have won many competitions. For example, research competitions, music competitions, dance creation competitions, or batik design competitions.

Likewise, with Tulus Angga Wijaya, a 2009 English Language and Literature student who just achieved First Place for Putra Bantul in the Pemilihan Putra Putri Bantul 2011. After passing four interviews consisting of psychology, foreign language, media, tourism, and talent interviews, Tulus made it through to the top-50 stage and eliminated at least 190 other participants. With that, he is confirmed to take part in the grand final which will be held on Monday (16/10) at the "Parasamya" Hall of Bantul Regency. Other than Tulus, several UNY students made it to the top 50, including Zyah Rohmad Jaelani (2009 English Language Education student) and Anisa Wulandari (2009 German Language Education student).

On the night of the grand finale, which was attended by high-ranking officials from Bantul Regency, Dimas Diajeng of Yogyakarta Municipality, 50 finalists did a fashion show and then the top 10 finalists were chosen, consisting of 5 men and 5 women. The ten selected finalists were required to answer questions from the jury. Fitri Ananda, Suara Ungu journalist, who happened to be watching the event then conducted a brief interview with the visitors. Some of them said that Tulus was able to answer questions clearly, well, and interestingly.

When asked about his victory, he politely explained, "Alhamdulillah, I am very proud, but this is a mandate that I must carry out well and this is one of the highest accomplishments I have ever achieved," explained Tulus, who also excels in this modeling field. Pemilihan Putra Putri Bantul 2011 is not just looking for those who are the most handsome or beautiful, but they also deserve to be role models and have good intellectuals and attitudes. (Fitri/nd)