English for Holidays 2018

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FBS - Karangmalang As a form of community service, English Language Education study program of UNY held a very fun English learning activity for children entitled English for Holidays (EFH) 2018. This year, English for Holidays raised the theme 'A Proud Indonesian' with the hope that by participating in this program, the participants will increase their patriotism and love for Indonesia. This annual event which has been held for more than 15 years has always received a warm welcome from the wider community. This is shown by the registrant interest that has never decreased, including in 2018, which was attended by 221 participants of various ages.

EFH 2018 began with the opening ceremony which was held on Monday, July 2, 2018 which was held in the Karawitan Laboratory of Faculty of Languages and Arts of UNY. This event went lively as evidenced by the enthusiasm of the EFH participants with the performances of the EFH teachers. After the opening ceremony, participants were immediately directed to their respective classes by the teachers.

The teachers from EFH 2018 came from the fourth semester students of English Language Education study program, especially those who took the concentration of English for Children (EFC), although there were also teachers from other concentrations. The teachers who teach at EFH are guaranteed to be competent, because the teachers always conduct learning studies and evaluations every day, and are also directly guided by the lecturers of this study program. In addition, the teachers also strive to always create good relations between teachers, students, and also parents.

EFH's cassroom activities were carried out in several FBS UNY lecture buildings. Of the 221 participants, participants were divided into 17 classes that were adjusted to the level of education. The classes used for learning are classes that are very comfortable and conducive to the learning process. When learning is carried out indoors (in the classroom), the participants are presented with English lessons that are fun and easily absorbed by the participants according to their age.

In addition to classroom learning activities, EFH also holds several events outside the classroom. One of them is the Campus Grand Tour, where the EFH participants can visit several important buildings at UNY and conduct interviews with several UNY officials. The event was held on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 in several important rooms and buildings at UNY, such as the UNY library, the English Language Education study prgram office, the dean's office, P2B office, UNY education museum, KUIK office, and also UNY postgraduates. For classes at grade three of elementary school and above, participants can conduct interviews with several UNY officials, such as the Head of the English Language Education Department, the Deputy Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts, the Head of P2B, and also the Head of KUIK. Even though the weather was very hot, the event ran smoothly, and the participants got to know UNY more.

In addition, there are also barbecue party activities, namely the introduction of foreign cultures to EFH participants in the form of family gatherings and eating together. The event which was held in the courtyard of the IV Faculty of Languages and Arts of UNY Lecture Building on Friday, July 6 2018 received a standing ovation from the EFH participants. The EFH participants gathered together under a thicket of trees, joking with each other and enjoying satai dish that they grilled themselves with the help of the teachers.

The series of EFH 2018 events will continue until Friday, July 13, 2018. On Tuesday, July 10 2018, participants went outbound to Jupiter Adventure Zone (JAZ) and enjoyed various very interesting games. Participants were very enthusiastic about this outbound activity. The vehicle used to travel from UNY to JAZ became the main attraction for the participants. The reason is, the vehicles used are very large Indonesian Air Force buses and army trucks. Many participants were amazed and of course happy when they left for JAZ which was located in Block O, Maguwo Air Force Base.

The outbound implementation at JAZ also ran smoothly and pleasantly. Participants were treated to many interesting games and guided by experienced instructors. Games such as flying fox were the biggest attraction, but only grade 3 and above were allowed to try out the rides. In addition, the games offered were very exciting and appropriate for class and age levels. Currently, the participants are preparing their performances for the 2018 EFH Closing Ceremony which will be held on Friday, July 13, 2018. The theme 'A Proud Indonesian' is also applied to the participants' performances, featuring various beautiful tribes in Indonesia.

So far, EFH, which is organized by lecturers and several students, has been running smoothly without any significant problems. It is hoped that until EFH closes on Friday, it will go according to plan and without any obstacles, and all parties can benefit from the implementation of EFH 2018.