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FBS Karangmalang Annisa Nurul Ilmi, an 8th semester student of the English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) UNY is entitled to the prestigious title of "UNY Outstanding Student" after going through an uphill battle in the Selection of Outstanding Students (MAPRES) of UNY which was held to welcome National Education Day 2011 and the 47th Anniversary of UNY. For this achievement, Annisa Nurul Ilmi is entitled to the UNY Rector's Charter, Trophy, Rp 2,000,000.00 coaching fee, and will be proposed to participate in the selection of prospective participants in the 2011 National Most Outstanding Student Election. If she passes, Annisa Nurul Ilmi will represent UNY to compete for the title of "National Most Outstanding Student in 2011" along with other outstanding students representing PTN-PTS throughout Indonesia in Jakarta.

The success of the student who mastered English and Japanese started from his participation in the Selection of Outstanding Students at the faculty level and won first place to represent FBS in participating in similar activities at the UNY level. Finally, Annisa received the title of Outstanding Student of UNY in 2011 after achieving the highest total score of 93.18, outperforming 5 other candidates in the selection which was held from Wednesday (16/3) to Friday (18/3) at the Student Affairs Section of the UNY Rectorate including the Assessment of Collaborative Activities Portfolio /Extracurricular, Personality Test, Scientific Paper Presentation, and English Test.

Complete results, 1st place winner Annisa Nurul Ilmi (FBS) with a total score of 93.18; Second place winner Dwi Apriyanto (FIK) with a total score of 79.38; and Third Place Isdiyono (FIP) with a total score of 79.35. The winners received the UNY Rector's Charter, Trophy, and coaching money of Rp. 2,000,000.00, Rp. 1,500,000.00, and Rp. 1,000,000.00 respectively, which would be handed over directly by the Rector of UNY, Prof. Dr. Rochmat Wahab, M.Pd., MA. in the National Education Day ceremony on May 2, 2011. (Syamsu)